Top: Some of my Purple Ladies in front of their dorm. They are too cute!
I didn't ask to be a House Mistress (which is basically another word for Resident Assistant) nor was I thrilled when I was told I was assigned to be one. That's one of the things I dislike the most about living on campus of a boarding school..folks just assume I have time to be a teacher, yearbook editor, facilitator of workshops, academic committee member, and lets not forget sports coach (which I respectfully declined). Ni-Van women like all women of color work their butts off on campus and these girls are no joke. Since I've accepted the position I've learned that being a House Mistress was an opportunity to do great things with a great group of girls. I wish I had the resources and money to do more activities with them, but they are appreciative of all the little and big things I can do with them.

One of our many nights at the Purple House. I taught the girls how to play "the Human Knot" and "Pin the Clothes on the Naked White Man" a version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey...without the donkey... and after we watched Dreamgirls in the middle of their "hallway". The few perks of being the Computer Science teacher is that I have control of the projector and projector screen.

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