WELKAM LONG BLOG BLONG MI!....translation....Welcome to my Blog!

I have a Bucket List...even before "Bucket List" the movie was created I had a Bucket List. One of my Bucket List items has been joining the Peace Corps before I kick the bucket. So, 10 years ago I applied, was accepted and was moments away from departing before realizing that it wasn't meant to be because I had too many teeth in my mouth. Long story short, to join the Peace Corps you're obligated to extract your wisdom teeth if they're a hot mess, which mine were. I couldn't afford to extract them so after 3 months of crashing at my sister's apartment boo-wooing with disappointment I came to terms with the Universe and moved on.
I always knew I'd reapply, but wasn't sure when. So, one day in late 2008 when I realized I wasn't as happy with life as I once was I went online and reapplied. A year later on September 11, 2009 I boarded a plan in LAX with 41 strangers in route to Vanuatu-- a gorgeous South Pacific country consisting of 83 islands (that I never heard of before Peace Corps). Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am a believer in the power of manifestation not to mention I'm a persistent little Boriqua and now here I am sitting in the Vanuatu Peace Corps Office fulfilling one of my dreams and living la vida "Ni-Van" on the other side of the globe. I hope you enjoy my stories and thanks for visiting. Please note the contents of this website are mine alone and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Creating the Next Generation of Ni-Van Leaders

I was recently invited to join Peace Corps' GAD (Gender and Development) Committee and had the pleasure to join the GAD members, other PCVs and local Ni-Van participants in a week long Training Of Trainers Workshop in Lakatoro, Malakula. Our objective was to teach our invited participants how to become better leaders in their community especially in terms of helping and inspiring their youth who have little to no resources for building their confidence and reach their highest potential. We also held sessions in Adolescent Reproductive Health (what changes occur in both female and male bodies), Sex Education (what contraceptions exist and how to use them), & the effects of Drugs & Alcohol. It was a looooong, tireless, inspiring & fun-filled week. Although I played a role in organizing and facilitating some workshops I gained so much by simply sitting in and listening. I learned that regardless of where you are in the world those of us who choose to become leaders do so because we have a passion to aspire to be better than say our parents in hopes of making our families proud and also because it's important that our nation (whatever nation we live in) has a solid foundation and the ability to move forward both intellectually and spiritually. At the end of our week our 32 participants and 12 PC Volunteers built unexpected friendships and grew closer as a people bond by a common understanding that a good leader is not based on what material possessions we have, but in the character of a person.

Enjoy the pictures!

Peace Corps Vanuatu Volunteers with our handmade Kamp Banner

GAD members (Arthur, Alexia, Tarakea & ME) arriving in Malakula Norsup Airport

GAD meeting pre-workshop agenda....if only all conference rooms had this view

Prepping for one of our many activities... tie-dying t-shirts.

Facilitating a workshop session the local way-- on the beach by the ocean...followed by local kakae (aka food) served on local plates (aka leaves)!

PCV Sandy and Alexia discuss the week long schedule while several participants make a presentation on their communities' leaders.

Malakula participants and PCVs enjoy making origama hats and an activity on building trust

Participants' condom relay race... lesson-how to properly put on a condom using a ripe banana.

What's a workshop without getting my hair braided by Odile the best hairstylist in the group.